Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Group Experience
During our group experience we discussed the "What You Think About Technology" survey. I agreed with almost all of the statements expect for two. As a group we shared our stories about how we felt technology made some type of work easier. We all felt that technology made some type of project or work that we were assigned easier. Our example that we used was about Jim who had an accounting class. During his accounting class Microsoft Excell was one of the main tools that was used. Excell made his accounting experience much easier.
H-Dub 2-23

I agree with Nye's narrative and beliefs of the advancement of technology. During the argument he describes how each possible tool that we use could influence a different story. I fine this to be a very true and interesting point. We use tools in our every day life. The use of tools simplifies a task at hand. MOst times we are able to use one or more of our tools to solve or overcome our problem. But by choosing a particular tool you influence the layout of your day, week, month or even years to come. I believe that technology is an amazing thing. Organisms have been using tools (which are classified as technology) ever since the dawn of time. However, I do not believe that it is only humans, or prime apes that only use tools; animals that are not as advanced use tools every day sucj asbirds, ants, elephants, giraffes and many other animals. Although these animals may not actually grasp something and use it to make a task easier, they are equipped with the tools that make their day to day life easier.
So as yoiu can see many organisms use tools throughout their day to day lives. They may be equipped with these tools at birth, or they may have to find or make them on their own. However, they are still tools so it is still technology. As species continue to evolve we can expect that the use of technology will evolve along with it.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
H-Dub 2-16
For this weblog we were asked to find five Web 2.0 applications for our website that we are creating for a teacher. These are the websites that I picked out:
Is an online grade book. It allows the students to look at the grades that they are recieving for the particular class. I really feel that this Web 2.0 will be extremely helpful to save time for the teacher and to let the students where they are in the class.
Busylissy is an online organizer for group projects. It allows you to organize information and communicate with your other group partners.
Notmesh is an online note app. This allows mulitple students or even the teacher to place the notes from a previous class online. Students can also discuss topics through this site.
Fluther allows students to ask experts a variety of questions to experts or even other students. I feel that this would be helpful to many students. It can also be used for other classes besides the one that I am making the website for.
My Happy Planet allows the student to communicate with foreign students. I feel that this app will help speed up the developement of their foreign language skills.
Lectr is an online lecture. Professors are able to upload their previous lectures online so that if students missed they are able to see the lecture. Or, if the professor is unable to attend the class for some reason he/she can just assign the lecture to be watched for class.
I feel that these six Web 2.0 applications will be most beneficial to students in any spanish class.
Is an online grade book. It allows the students to look at the grades that they are recieving for the particular class. I really feel that this Web 2.0 will be extremely helpful to save time for the teacher and to let the students where they are in the class.
Busylissy is an online organizer for group projects. It allows you to organize information and communicate with your other group partners.
Notmesh is an online note app. This allows mulitple students or even the teacher to place the notes from a previous class online. Students can also discuss topics through this site.
Fluther allows students to ask experts a variety of questions to experts or even other students. I feel that this would be helpful to many students. It can also be used for other classes besides the one that I am making the website for.
My Happy Planet allows the student to communicate with foreign students. I feel that this app will help speed up the developement of their foreign language skills.
Lectr is an online lecture. Professors are able to upload their previous lectures online so that if students missed they are able to see the lecture. Or, if the professor is unable to attend the class for some reason he/she can just assign the lecture to be watched for class.
I feel that these six Web 2.0 applications will be most beneficial to students in any spanish class.
Monday, February 8, 2010
H-Dub 2-9
For this weblog I was assigned to interview a couple of friends and discuss what they feel would make a good course website. I interviewed a couple of friends, Mike, Kenny, and Paul. All of these students are in my Spanish 102 class. All of their responses included the following; the website should include their grades that they have recieved throughout the semester for homework, projects, and quizzes. Future and present homework assignments along with there due dates. The website should also include test dates along with the information that should be gone over to prepare for the test. If the teacher feels that they would allow extra credit, then the extra credit and the credentials should be included in the website. The office hours and contact information of the Professor should be easily and clearly posted on the website for easy access. There should also be the information about the course. Things that will be gone over and discussed thourghout the entire semester. I feel that if all of these things were included in to a website then the semester would go along easier and more smoothly for the Professor and all of his/her students.
Monday, February 1, 2010
H-Dub: 2-2
As a university student, what range of Web 2.0 applications integrated into a professor’s course web site would best facilitate your learning? What are your goals? What are your learning and studying needs? How best to facilitate communications with your professor and with other students in class?
I personally feel that it is most beneficial to incorporate some type of organizer. I feel that that that is one of my biggest issues. I have so much homework and so many activities I sometimes lose track of time or things that i need to do. My goals are to put forth a good effort in the class and do my best to succeed. A lot of times when i need to study or get work done I will go some where to do it alone. However, while im doing homework I enjoy listening to music. A lot of times if I need help in class I will contact a fellow student or my teacher to recieve help.
I personally feel that it is most beneficial to incorporate some type of organizer. I feel that that that is one of my biggest issues. I have so much homework and so many activities I sometimes lose track of time or things that i need to do. My goals are to put forth a good effort in the class and do my best to succeed. A lot of times when i need to study or get work done I will go some where to do it alone. However, while im doing homework I enjoy listening to music. A lot of times if I need help in class I will contact a fellow student or my teacher to recieve help.
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