Tuesday, December 7, 2010
SL Weblog 3 12/7/2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Essay Proposal Commentaries 11/30
Andrew Costa - Andrew's essay proposal discussed Cleveland city schools. I feel that this a good topic. However, I feel that the topic may be hard to find articles on. If he is able to find good information from reliable articles then I feel that he could write a very good paper.
Catie Hodgson - Catie decided to discuss arts in education. I feel that because she decided to discuss the entire topic of arts it will be easier to find research articles that pertain to it. I also feel that she will be able to relate to the topic which will allow her to write a very good paper.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Blogger 6
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Essay on Grouping
During my grade schooling I was subjected to homogeneous grouping on numerous occasions. However, no occasion stands in mind as prominently as one did when I was in the second grade. A couple days of the week a teacher by the name of Mrs. Hamilton would come in to our class room and work with a selected few students. She would work with the students that were falling behind in the every day school work. She would do activities that looked fun and interesting. While she was doing all of these activities with students, the rest of the class got to sit in our desks and go over the lessons that the teacher had planned for that day. This was some what frustrating to me because I would much rather have been doing those fun activities instead of the boring math, science or reading that the rest of the class was doing.
Catie (whose homogeneous experience I will be sharing) was put through something similar, but on the other side of the spectrum. Five students were chosen from her class to go to an accelerated math program. Catie, however, was not one of the selected five students to join this program. She felt that she was not given the opportunity to show that she could succeed in that accelerated program.
Teaching to Change the World feels that more schools should implement heterogeneous grouping. I am not sure how I feel about this particular issue. I know that sometimes students may feel that they are not being challenged enough in the classroom. I also am aware that students sometimes feel that the class work is very demanding and difficult. However, I don’t know if it is necessary to split the two groups of children. I feel that it could possibly be beneficial if both the accelerated and the slower groups of children were paired together. Maybe the accelerated students could possibly help the slower children understand the concepts and the lesson of that day.
In today’s classroom we give the teachers an extreme amount of power. Teachers may have just as big of an impact on children as parents do. The teachers are the ones who get to decide whether or not the students are in accelerated programs or not. This could effect students self esteem and possibly hurt them in the long run. In conclusion I feel that after typing this essay I am more for heterogenous grouping. I feel that there are many positives that could come out of it and we as a community should do what we can to put it in to effect in our school systems.
State, By. "NAGC - Information & Resources - Glossary of Gifted Terms." NAGC :: Home. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Essay Proposal Refletions
Allison Merrill: Allison's proposal seemed very well written. She clearly let's us know the topic in which she is going to discuss through out her proposal. I really like the diversity aspect of her writing. Diversity is a very big aspect in today's education. There are many minorities in the United States and it is something that needs to be looked at. I feel that she will be able to find a substantial amount of information on her topic.
Caitlin Hodgson: Caitlin's proposal was very well written. I felt that she also brought up a very good question on how students and volunteers alike. I also liked how she brought up how teachers should be teaching in multiple ways. No student likes to learn many things the same way day in and day out. I would assume that there would be a lot of information on this topic and it will be easy to locate.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Feedback to support learning
Thursday, September 30, 2010
SL Weblog 3
Do you feel that the service learning still has the same impact on the individual conducting the service even if they are being forced to do so? If so, do you feel that there is any positive outcome for the servicee or the child during service?
Do you feel that it is important to put past bad experiences behind you while conducting, but also using the past positive experiences to better your service experience?
Do you feel that traveling to a different country or region to conduct a service would be more beneficial than traveling to a near by school or other place of service in your home town?
Do you feel that it is important for the service to be diverse? For the servicee or individual in need?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Frist Service
The young children who will be at this place of learning will be under privileged and in need of a good roll model. I am very excited about this. I have a young brother Jacob, who is ten. I feel that played a very substantial roll in the raising and upbringing of him. I can only hope that I can also have a positive influence on some of these kids as well.
Although I am very excited for this upcoming experience, my group leader did raise a few questions when she was explaining what service may be like. She said that since the kids have had poor upbringings they some things that may make you uncomfortable, and if so, you should let the teacher know. I wonder if that will actually happen. Hopefully, since I have younger children, I will not be faced with a difficult situation like this.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Personal Information
When I attempt to think of my school memories I always think about the fun times that I had with friends while walking through the halls of my old high school. I feel that some issues with the education field is the determination and the passion that the teachers have. Many students become teachers because they feel that it is an easy profession. I hope to be passionate and exciting for my future students. In this class we need to share ideas about teaching and discuss our different teaching styles. We need to avoid hostility towards one another and be a class, we need to be open to new ideas and opinions.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Webquest Proposal
Date: 4/27/10
Teacher(s) Name: Dr. Shutkin
E-Mail Address(es): ocoughlin13@jcu.edu, jartman13@jcu.edu, jgerrick13@jcu.edu
Grade Level(s): Geared toward middle school students, but could be applicable to high school
Title of WebQuest: Breaking the Cleveland Curse
Content Areas: Math, Physical Education, English (to a lesser extent)
Description/Abstract of Lesson: The student plays the role of a Cleveland Cavaliers statistician, assisting Mike Brown in putting together his most effective groups of players to play in the fourth quarter, based solely on their statistics.
Timeline of Lesson: Three days
With the NBA playoffs beginning, the Cleveland Cavaliers decided to hire a new statistician to assist Coach Mike Brown in deciding what combinations of players throughout the playoff games will suit the team best, based solely on their regular season statistics from the 09-10 season. It is important to consider that all players need breathers, the game covers 48 minutes, so not everyone will be able to play the entire fourth quarter, and every player has a specific role on the team. The entire city of Cleveland is counting on a championship this season, so you need to do everything you can to make it happen!
The Cleveland Cavaliers need our help! Cleveland Cavaliers player’s names will be drawn out of hat for fairness to all students. Use the techniques that we have learned during the year to calculate the players fourth quarter averages. Coach Mike Brown wants to know what players he needs to play, but more importantly what players to play during crunch time. So as the new statisticians for the Cleveland Cavaliers, we have been assigned to figure out points per fourth quarter, assists per fourth quarter, rebounds per fourth quarter and turnovers per fourth quarter. After you have determined all of the statistics for the players you must set up a starting roster and then times for substitutions. Let's Go Cleveland!
Statistics for each member of the Cavs for the 09-10 playoffs.
[U.P] LeBron James 56 Points Vs Toronto Raptors (03.20.2005) (Career High)
Video on Lebron James Career high
Cleveland Cavaliers Statistics - 2009-10
Cleveland Cavaliers 09-10 regular season stats
A blog that shows statistics for all teams as well as how it is explained
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland's Plain Dealer online website giving Lebron James' stats for the 09-10 season
This WebQuest is geared toward middle school students in the content areas of math and physical education, and also language arts to a lesser extent. Students may need to acquire a general knowledge of basketball if they do not have one already. It is important for them to understand how points are scored, what rebounds are, what assists are, and what turnovers are.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Ideal Learning Enviornment
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Group Experience
H-Dub 2-23

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
H-Dub 2-16
Is an online grade book. It allows the students to look at the grades that they are recieving for the particular class. I really feel that this Web 2.0 will be extremely helpful to save time for the teacher and to let the students where they are in the class.
Busylissy is an online organizer for group projects. It allows you to organize information and communicate with your other group partners.
Notmesh is an online note app. This allows mulitple students or even the teacher to place the notes from a previous class online. Students can also discuss topics through this site.
Fluther allows students to ask experts a variety of questions to experts or even other students. I feel that this would be helpful to many students. It can also be used for other classes besides the one that I am making the website for.
My Happy Planet allows the student to communicate with foreign students. I feel that this app will help speed up the developement of their foreign language skills.
Lectr is an online lecture. Professors are able to upload their previous lectures online so that if students missed they are able to see the lecture. Or, if the professor is unable to attend the class for some reason he/she can just assign the lecture to be watched for class.
I feel that these six Web 2.0 applications will be most beneficial to students in any spanish class.
Monday, February 8, 2010
H-Dub 2-9
Monday, February 1, 2010
H-Dub: 2-2
I personally feel that it is most beneficial to incorporate some type of organizer. I feel that that that is one of my biggest issues. I have so much homework and so many activities I sometimes lose track of time or things that i need to do. My goals are to put forth a good effort in the class and do my best to succeed. A lot of times when i need to study or get work done I will go some where to do it alone. However, while im doing homework I enjoy listening to music. A lot of times if I need help in class I will contact a fellow student or my teacher to recieve help.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Some H-Dub for Education
1. Name, hometown, primary email.
Soo my name is Jarod Artman. I was actually born in Ocalla, Florida but I've lived in Ohio for about 14 years. My primary e-mail is jartman13@jcu.edu
2. What name do you prefer to be called?
My cell phone is literally ALWAYS on. Like most teenagers I don't really know what I would do with out it!
3. Grade level and subject(s) that you want to teach (For graduate students: undergraduate and graduate degree(s), education license(s), current employment: grade level, subject(s) if applicable, district).
This is my first year at JCU and I really enjoy it. I'm not exactly sure what grade I want to teach yet. but its in the middle school to high school range. I'm almost positive I want to teach physical education.
4. What are you into; what makes you special? Share a few “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our classroom community get to know you a bit better.
I play basketball here at John Carroll, and i really love to make peolpe laugh. I am always down for a good joke or just to have a good time.
Learning Style and more:
5. Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a classroom?
I am always ready to take a risk or try something new. You only live once right?
6. I am interested in your perception of yourself as a student. Please describe it. Consider such criteria as a) active oral class participation; b) responsible, timely class preparation (of readings, projects, etc.); c) honest, candid self-assessment; d) awareness of your own preferred learning styles/approaches; e) first thing that you do when you cannot or do not understand something; f)other dimensions you believe to be relevant and informative.
I am always willing to particpate in the classroom. I like being able to show off my intelligence. Even if it is only once or twice a period. lol I am usually on time to class. If I do not understand a question or an assignment I will usually ask for help.
7. Is there anything I should know about you, your learning style, or life situation that may be relevant to your successful performance in this course? (Please decide what to share with the class and what to share in confidence with me).
Nothing that I can think of.
Technology Section
8. What do you believe was the most important technological invention in history? Why?
The internet. I feel this way because it has allowed us to communicate and relay information faster than we ever imagined. Also, by putting information on the internet you are saving paper which in turn helps the enviorment.
9. Please list a number of technologies you currently believe to be essential to your life. Star (*) those you (tend to) believe to be insufficiently promoted in education.
1-Cell Phone
10. In relation to technology, please describe what life is like for you after a typical school day?
Depending on what time I have class I usually get up about 10 to fifteen minutes before class, then walk to class. After my classes are done I will usually get lunch and then go take a nap before practice. I will then get up and go to practice. After practice is over I will get some dinner and then come back to room and do some how work if I have any. Then I will just go hang out with friends until I get tired and go to bed.
11. Indicate any uses of technology that you believe tend to be inappropriate or used excessively (by children in or out of school, by teachers in or out of school ) or promoted excessively (by the media, the computer industry, schools), i.e. ones that should be restricted or regulated in key ways.
I feel that technology was created for us to use in the assistance of our every day activites. So I think that we should be able to use technology to the best of our abilities.
12. Let’s imagine, humbly, that this course is definitely going to be the most meaningful and relevant educational technology course you’ve ever experienced. EVER. Drawing on your past experience in classrooms, and thinking uniquely, specifically and BIG, describe what we need to (1) DO (activities/projects), (2) STUDY (content topics and compelling issues/questions), (3) BE (interacting with each other) and (4) AVOID (in the previous three categories) in order for your visionary views of an ideal course to be mostly realized.
I feel that we should just go over all of the technology that is being used in the class room today. Then I think we should go over the technology that we feel should or could be used in the class room.