Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Essay Proposal Commentaries 11/30

Allison Merrill - Allison's essay proposal discussed the topic of standardized testing. I feel that that is a very important topic and one that needs to be discussed. The two questions that she addresses are also very important. I hope that she is able to find out valid information about this topic and come up with solid answers.

Andrew Costa - Andrew's essay proposal discussed Cleveland city schools. I feel that this a good topic. However, I feel that the topic may be hard to find articles on. If he is able to find good information from reliable articles then I feel that he could write a very good paper.

Catie Hodgson - Catie decided to discuss arts in education. I feel that because she decided to discuss the entire topic of arts it will be easier to find research articles that pertain to it. I also feel that she will be able to relate to the topic which will allow her to write a very good paper.

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