Tuesday, February 16, 2010

H-Dub 2-16

For this weblog we were asked to find five Web 2.0 applications for our website that we are creating for a teacher. These are the websites that I picked out:

Is an online grade book. It allows the students to look at the grades that they are recieving for the particular class. I really feel that this Web 2.0 will be extremely helpful to save time for the teacher and to let the students where they are in the class.
Busylissy is an online organizer for group projects. It allows you to organize information and communicate with your other group partners.
Notmesh is an online note app. This allows mulitple students or even the teacher to place the notes from a previous class online. Students can also discuss topics through this site.
Fluther allows students to ask experts a variety of questions to experts or even other students. I feel that this would be helpful to many students. It can also be used for other classes besides the one that I am making the website for.
My Happy Planet allows the student to communicate with foreign students. I feel that this app will help speed up the developement of their foreign language skills.
Lectr is an online lecture. Professors are able to upload their previous lectures online so that if students missed they are able to see the lecture. Or, if the professor is unable to attend the class for some reason he/she can just assign the lecture to be watched for class.

I feel that these six Web 2.0 applications will be most beneficial to students in any spanish class.

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